negating Synonym

Synonyme negating

denying - contradicting - refuting - disavowing - rejecting - nullifying - invalidating - countering - opposing - disputing - disproving - repudiating - reversing - annulling - voiding - cancelling - rescinding - abrogating - nulling - vetoing - gainsaying - disclaiming - renouncing - disaffirming - disconfirming - negating

Negating refers to the act of nullifying or making something invalid or ineffective. It involves denying the existence or truth of something and can be used in various contexts, including arguments, logic, mathematics, and everyday conversation. For example, in a debate, one party might negate a claim made by another by providing counter-evidence. In mathematics, negation is a fundamental operation in logic that inverts the truth value of a given proposition.

Category: Language Tags: Deny Disprove Refute

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