narrating the flaws Synonym

Synonyme narrating the flaws

Describing the faults - detailing the defects - outlining the shortcomings - recounting the weaknesses - explaining the imperfections - illustrating the deficiencies - depicting the errors - portraying the mistakes - chronicling the issues - reporting the problems - presenting the drawbacks - revealing the failings - exposing the limitations - highlighting the blemishes - specifying the inadequacies - enumerating the faults - listing the flaws - identifying the errors - pointing out the defects - articulating the weaknesses - elaborating on the imperfections - clarifying the deficiencies - discussing the mistakes - narrating the issues - summarizing the problems - documenting the drawbacks - disclosing the failings - uncovering the limitations - noting the blemishes - mentioning the inadequacies - citing the faults - characterizing the flaws - defining the errors - indicating the defects - emphasizing the weaknesses - stressing the imperfections - underlining the deficiencies - accentuating the mistakes - spotlighting the issues - cataloging the problems - itemizing the drawbacks - detailing the failings - specifying the limitations - outlining the blemishes - describing the inadequacies - recounting the faults - explaining the flaws

Das Erzählen von Fehlern bezieht sich auf den Akt des Schilderns oder Darstellens von Mängeln, Schwächen oder Unvollkommenheiten einer Person, Sache, oder Situation. Es kann sowohl in literarischen Werken als auch in alltäglichen Gesprächen vorkommen. Dabei geht es oft darum, die Realität ungeschönt darzustellen und die Wahrheit hinter einer Fassade oder einer idealisierten Darstellung aufzuzeigen.

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