Mitigating the dispute Synonym

Synonyme Mitigating the dispute

resolving the conflict - settling the disagreement - alleviating the tension - easing the dispute - pacifying the argument - calming the quarrel - defusing the confrontation - smoothing over the discord - mediating the clash - arbitrating the contention - reconciling the differences - placating the feud - mollifying the altercation - soothing the strife - quelling the dispute - tempering the conflict - assuaging the disagreement - moderating the argument - reducing the friction - diminishing the discord - alleviating the clash - resolving the contention - settling the feud - pacifying the altercation - calming the strife - defusing the quarrel - smoothing over the confrontation - mediating the discord - arbitrating the clash - reconciling the contention - placating the argument - mollifying the feud - soothing the altercation - quelling the strife - tempering the quarrel - assuaging the conflict - moderating the disagreement - reducing the tension - diminishing the friction - alleviating the contention - resolving the altercation - settling the strife - pacifying the clash - calming the discord - defusing the argument - smoothing over the feud - mediating the altercation - arbitrating the strife

Mit 'mitigating the dispute' wird der Prozess des Vermindererns oder Lindererns eines Streits oder Konflikts bezeichnet. Es beinhaltet oft die Anwendung von Methoden wie Mediation und Verhandlung, um eine friedliche Einigung zwischen den Streitparteien zu erzielen. Ziel ist es, Spannungen abzubauen und eine für alle Beteiligten akzeptable Lösung zu finden.

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