managing an important concern Synonym

Synonyme managing an important concern

handling a significant issue - addressing a major concern - dealing with a crucial matter - managing a key issue - tackling an important problem - overseeing a critical concern - handling a vital issue - addressing a significant matter - dealing with an essential concern - managing a crucial problem - tackling a major issue - overseeing an important matter - handling a critical problem - addressing a key concern - dealing with a significant issue - managing an essential matter - tackling a vital concern - overseeing a major problem - handling a crucial issue - addressing an important problem - dealing with a key matter - managing a significant concern - tackling a critical issue - overseeing a vital matter - handling a major concern - addressing a crucial problem - dealing with an important issue - managing a key concern - tackling a significant matter - overseeing an essential issue - handling a vital problem - addressing a major issue - dealing with a crucial concern - managing an important matter - tackling a key issue - overseeing a significant problem - handling an essential concern - addressing a vital issue - dealing with a major matter - managing a crucial concern - tackling an important issue - overseeing a key problem - handling a significant matter - addressing an essential concern - dealing with a vital issue - managing a major problem - tackling a crucial matter - overseeing an important concern

Das Management eines wichtigen Anliegens beinhaltet die Verwaltung und Überwachung wesentlicher Angelegenheiten, die erhebliche Auswirkungen haben können. Es umfasst das Setzen von Prioritäten, die Zuteilung von Ressourcen und die Umsetzung von Lösungen, um sicherzustellen, dass wichtige Probleme effektiv und effizient gelöst werden. Dies erfordert oft ein hohes Maß an Planung, Koordination und Kommunikation, um die bestmöglichen Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

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