making obvious the differences Synonym

Synonyme making obvious the differences

highlighting the differences - emphasizing the differences - pointing out the differences - underlining the differences - accentuating the differences - stressing the differences - drawing attention to the differences - showcasing the differences - illustrating the differences - demonstrating the differences - clarifying the differences - distinguishing the differences - marking the differences - identifying the differences - revealing the differences - exposing the differences - bringing out the differences - delineating the differences - specifying the differences - indicating the differences - noting the differences - outlining the differences - spotlighting the differences - underscoring the differences - flagging the differences - signifying the differences - denoting the differences - separating the differences - differentiating the differences - contrasting the differences - setting apart the differences - segregating the differences - isolating the differences - partitioning the differences - discriminating the differences - sorting the differences - categorizing the differences - classifying the differences - distinguishing between - making clear the differences - making distinct the differences - making plain the differences - making evident the differences - making manifest the differences - making apparent the differences - making noticeable the differences - making perceptible the differences - making visible the differences - making clear the distinctions - making plain the distinctions

Der Prozess, die Unterschiede zwischen zwei oder mehr Objekten, Konzepten oder Situationen deutlich und verständlich zu machen. Dies kann geschehen, indem man spezifische Eigenschaften, Merkmale oder Details hervorhebt, die dazu beitragen, die Unterschiede klar zu erkennen. Ziel ist es, Missverständnisse zu vermeiden und Informationen präzise zu übermitteln.

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