lie down Synonym

Synonyme lie down

recline - rest - relax - lounge - sprawl - repose - stretch out - lie back - take a nap - take a break - lie flat - lie still - lie supine - lie prone - lie recumbent - lie stretched out - lie at ease - lie in repose - lie in relaxation - lie in comfort - lie in rest - lie in leisure - lie in ease - lie in tranquility - lie in peace - lie in stillness - lie in quiet - lie in calm - lie in serenity - lie in placidity - lie in reposefulness - lie in restfulness - lie in leisureliness - lie in unhurriedness - lie in untroubledness - lie in undisturbedness - lie in unperturbedness - lie in unruffledness - lie in unagitatedness - lie in unflusteredness - lie in unflappability - lie in unexcitedness - lie in unbotheredness - lie in unvexedness

To lie down refers to the act of placing oneself in a horizontal or reclining position, typically on a surface such as a bed or couch, for the purpose of resting or sleeping. This position can help relax the body, alleviate stress, and contribute to overall well-being.

Category: Health Tags: Rest Relaxation Recline

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