keeping an eye on the modifications Synonym

Synonyme keeping an eye on the modifications

monitoring the changes - observing the alterations - watching the adjustments - overseeing the modifications - tracking the updates - supervising the revisions - checking the amendments - scrutinizing the transformations - surveying the variations - inspecting the developments - reviewing the shifts - controlling the modifications - examining the changes - following the adjustments - keeping track of the alterations - keeping tabs on the updates - looking after the revisions - minding the amendments - policing the transformations - regulating the variations - scanning the developments - studying the shifts - watching over the modifications

Keeping an eye on the modifications refers to the act of continuously monitoring and observing changes or alterations. This is often done to ensure that modifications meet specified standards or goals, and to identify any issues or areas for improvement. This can be applicable in various contexts, such as software development, project management, quality control, and more.

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