keep under restraint Synonym

Synonyme keep under restraint

restrain - confine - detain - hold back - curb - suppress - control - limit - restrict - constrain - inhibit - repress - subdue - check - bridle - contain - hem in - bottle up - hold in - keep in check - keep under control - keep in line - keep lid on - keep a tight rein on - keep within bounds - keep within limits - hold in check - hold in restraint - hold in control - hold in line - hold in bounds - hold in limits - keep confined - keep detained - keep restrained - keep controlled - keep limited - keep restricted - keep constrained - keep inhibited - keep repressed - keep subdued - keep checked - keep bridled - keep contained - keep hemmed in - keep bottled up

To keep under restraint means to hold back, limit, or control the actions, freedom, or movement of a person, entity, or force. This can involve physical methods such as binding or imprisonment, or more abstract means like rules, regulations, or psychological tactics. The goal is to prevent unwanted behavior or actions by imposing limitations.

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