inviolable Synonym

Synonyme inviolable

sacrosanct - untouchable - invulnerable - unassailable - impregnable - secure - unbreakable - indestructible - impervious - impenetrable - unyielding - unbreachable - unattackable - safe - protected - guarded - immune - unviolated - intact - pristine - pure - uncorrupted - untainted - undefiled - unspoiled - unblemished - flawless - perfect - hallowed - holy - sacred - consecrated - blessed - divine - revered - venerated - respected - honored - cherished - esteemed - exalted - sanctified - inviolated - inviolate

Inviolable refers to something that cannot be harmed, broken, or violated. It is often used in contexts such as laws, rights, or moral principles that are considered sacred and must be respected under all circumstances. The term implies an inherent sanctity or integrity that demands protection and preservation from any breach, infringement, or disturbance.

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