intrinsic Synonym

Synonyme intrinsic

inherent - innate - inborn - natural - essential - fundamental - built-in - ingrained - deep-seated - congenital - native - basic - central - core - integral - internal - underlying - primary - inbred - instinctive - organic - constitutive - immanent - inwrought - inseparable - permanent - fixed - indwelling - inmost - intimate - original - real - true - genuine - unalienable - unchangeable - unalterable - unremovable - inseverable - inextricable - ineluctable - inescapable - indispensable - necessary - vital - crucial - key

Intrinsic refers to the inherent or essential nature of something. It describes qualities or properties that are inherent to the nature of the object or phenomenon itself, without external influences or factors. For example, the intrinsic value of an activity is the inherent satisfaction and meaning it brings, independent of external rewards. In a philosophical context, intrinsic properties are those that are essential and fundamental to the existence of an entity, distinguishing it from extrinsic properties which depend on external circumstances.

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