interpose Synonym

Synonyme interpose

intervene - mediate - intercede - insert - interject - intrude - step in - interfere - arbitrate - moderate - negotiate - come between - butt in - cut in - break in - interrupt - meddle - insinuate - intercalate - intersperse - intermix - interlace - interweave - interpose oneself - interject oneself - interpose between - interpose oneself between - interpose an objection - interpose a remark - interpose a question - interpose a comment - interpose a barrier - interpose a defense - interpose a shield - interpose a delay - interpose a pause - interpose a hesitation - interpose a doubt - interpose a reservation - interpose a condition - interpose a stipulation - interpose a requirement - interpose a demand - interpose a plea - interpose a protest - interpose a veto - interpose a counterargument - interpose a contradiction

Interpose means to place or insert something between one thing and another. This could involve physically placing an object in between two other objects or entities or taking an action or making a statement that comes between two parties or points in a process to prevent conflict, facilitate a dialogue, or influence the outcome.

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