initiating Synonym

Synonyme initiating

starting - beginning - commencing - launching - instituting - inaugurating - setting in motion - triggering - activating - instigating - kick-starting - embarking - opening - introducing - establishing - founding - originating - pioneering - setting up - getting underway - getting started - putting in place - putting into action - putting into effect - putting into operation - getting off the ground - getting going - getting in gear - getting rolling - getting moving - getting cracking - getting the ball rolling - getting things going - getting things started - getting things moving - getting things underway - getting things in motion - getting things off the ground - getting things in gear - getting things rolling - getting things cracking - getting things activated - getting things triggered - getting things launched - getting things instituted - getting things inaugurated - getting things set in motion - getting things commenced

Initiating refers to the process of beginning or starting something new. It involves taking the first steps or actions to set an activity or procedure in motion. The term is often used in a variety of contexts, such as initiating a project, initiating a discussion, or initiating contact with someone. In business and project management, initiating is a critical phase that involves defining the scope, objectives, and purpose of a project to ensure a clear and successful start.

Category: Action Tags: Begin Start Launch

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