infallibility Synonym

Synonyme infallibility

flawlessness - perfection - impeccability - faultlessness - unerringness - reliability - dependability - accuracy - precision - exactness - correctness - certainty - surety - trustworthiness - soundness - validity - infallibleness - irreproachability - unerring accuracy - unerring certainty - unerring dependability - unerring reliability - unerring trustworthiness - unerring validity - unerringness of judgment - unerringness of decision - unerringness of action - unerringness of thought - unerringness of belief - unerringness of opinion - unerringness of perception - unerringness of understanding - unerringness of knowledge - unerringness of insight - unerringness of wisdom - unerringness of discernment - unerringness of reasoning - unerringness of logic - unerringness of intuition - unerringness of instinct - unerringness of feeling - unerringness of emotion - unerringness of response - unerringness of reaction - unerringness of behavior - unerringness of conduct - unerringness of performance

Infallibility refers to the quality of being incapable of making mistakes or being wrong. In a religious context, it is often applied to certain figures or institutions that are believed to be free from error in matters of faith and morals. For example, in the Catholic Church, papal infallibility is the doctrine that, in specific circumstances, the Pope is incapable of error in pronouncing dogma.

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