imbue Synonym

Synonyme imbue

instill - infuse - permeate - saturate - suffuse - inculcate - ingrain - impregnate - endow - invest - charge - fill - steep - load - imbibe - inspire - inject - introduce - pervade - soak - bathe - drench - flood - transfuse - dye - tincture - tinge - color - flavor - season - lace - blend - mix - combine - merge - integrate - incorporate - embed - implant - root - seed - plant - sow - instate - establish - set

To imbue means to inspire or permeate with a feeling or quality. It often refers to instilling a particular emotion, spirit, or characteristic into someone or something. In various contexts, it can describe the process of saturating, infusing, or enriching objects, people, or environments with specific qualities or attributes, such as hope, energy, or values.

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