illustrating the shortcomings Synonym

Synonyme illustrating the shortcomings

highlighting the flaws - demonstrating the weaknesses - exposing the deficiencies - revealing the limitations - pointing out the faults - showcasing the inadequacies - underlining the drawbacks - emphasizing the issues - bringing to light the problems - outlining the defects - indicating the imperfections - presenting the failings - detailing the errors - uncovering the shortcomings - identifying the gaps - showing the weaknesses - displaying the faults - making visible the flaws - clarifying the deficiencies - explaining the limitations - stressing the drawbacks - illustrating the issues - depicting the problems - portraying the defects - describing the imperfections - narrating the failings - elucidating the errors - manifesting the shortcomings - spotlighting the gaps - exhibiting the weaknesses - demonstrating the faults - revealing the flaws - pointing out the deficiencies - showcasing the limitations - underlining the faults - emphasizing the drawbacks - bringing to light the issues - outlining the problems - indicating the defects - presenting the imperfections - detailing the failings - uncovering the errors - identifying the shortcomings - showing the gaps - displaying the weaknesses - making visible the faults - clarifying the flaws - explaining the deficiencies

Das Veranschaulichen von Schwachstellen oder Fehlern kann genutzt werden, um Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten aufzuzeigen und bestehende Strukturen oder Systeme zu optimieren. Dies beinhaltet das Aufzeigen von Mängeln oder Defiziten in bestimmten Prozessen, Produkten oder Konzepten. Eine gründliche Analyse und Darstellung dieser Schwächen ist essentiell, um konstruktive Veränderungen vorzunehmen.

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