have misgivings about Synonym

Synonyme have misgivings about

doubt - question - distrust - be uncertain about - be unsure about - be wary of - be skeptical of - be apprehensive about - be hesitant about - be reluctant about - be uneasy about - be suspicious of - have reservations about - have qualms about - have second thoughts about - feel uneasy about - feel unsure about - feel uncertain about - feel apprehensive about - feel hesitant about - feel reluctant about - feel suspicious of - harbor doubts about - entertain doubts about - mistrust - lack confidence in - be dubious about - be doubtful about - be distrustful of - be leery of - be chary of - be mistrustful of - be wary about - be cautious about - be circumspect about - be guarded about - be insecure about - be nervous about - be troubled by - be worried about - be concerned about - be anxious about - be fearful of - be afraid of - be jittery about - be tense about - be on edge about

To 'have misgivings about' something means to feel uncertain or apprehensive about it. It indicates a sense of doubt or concern regarding the outcome or implications of a particular action or decision. These feelings often arise from an internal instinct or past experiences that trigger caution.

Category: Emotion Tags: Zweifel Bedenken Skepsis

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