guts Synonym

Synonyme guts

courage - bravery - valor - nerve - daring - fortitude - mettle - pluck - backbone - grit - spunk - audacity - boldness - tenacity - resolve - determination - fearlessness - intrepidity - stout-heartedness - gallantry - heroism - spirit - steadfastness - dauntlessness - hardihood - stoutness - venturesomeness - doughtiness - gameness - lionheartedness - moxie - prowess - chutzpah - temerity - undauntedness - unflinchingness - valiance - valour

Guts refer to the stomach or the internal organs, especially the intestines. In a more figurative sense, 'guts' can also mean courage or determination, as in 'having the guts to do something.' The term is often used in casual or colloquial contexts and can refer to the essential contents or inner workings of something.

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