guiltless Synonym

Synonyme guiltless

innocent - blameless - faultless - sinless - irreproachable - unblemished - untainted - pure - virtuous - righteous - clean - impeccable - immaculate - unblamable - guilt-free - lily-white - above reproach - above suspicion - clear - exonerated - absolved - acquitted - vindicated - in the clear - not guilty - unoffending - unspotted - unstained - unsullied - untarnished - white

The term 'guiltless' refers to a state or condition where an individual is free from guilt or blame. It denotes innocence and the absence of wrongdoing. This term is often used in legal, ethical, and moral contexts to describe someone who has not committed a crime, offense, or any action that could be considered morally or legally wrong. Being guiltless means not being responsible for any wrongdoing and having a clear conscience.

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