getting to the meat Synonym

Synonyme getting to the meat

getting to the point - cutting to the chase - getting down to business - getting to the heart - getting to the core - getting to the nitty-gritty - getting to the essence - getting to the crux - getting to the substance - getting to the bottom line - getting to the gist - getting to the main point - getting to the essentials - getting to the key point - getting to the focal point - getting to the main idea - getting to the central point - getting to the main issue - getting to the primary point - getting to the principal point - getting to the fundamental point - getting to the main argument - getting to the main concern - getting to the main topic - getting to the main subject - getting to the main matter - getting to the main focus - getting to the main theme - getting to the main question - getting to the main discussion - getting to the main debate - getting to the main conversation - getting to the main dialogue - getting to the main discourse - getting to the main narrative - getting to the main story - getting to the main account - getting to the main explanation - getting to the main description - getting to the main portrayal - getting to the main depiction - getting to the main representation - getting to the main illustration - getting to the main outline - getting to the main summary - getting to the main synopsis - getting to the main review - getting to the main overview - getting to the main analysis

The phrase 'getting to the meat' refers to diving into the most important and substantial part of a discussion, topic, or matter. It's about focusing on the core elements, the essence, and the primary details that really matter and skipping superficial or less relevant information. Commonly used in both casual and professional contexts, this phrase emphasizes the need to address the main points directly and efficiently.

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