getting the drift Synonym

Synonyme getting the drift

understanding - comprehending - grasping - catching on - following - perceiving getting the idea - realizing - recognizing - seeing - cottoning on - figuring out - making sense of - getting the picture - appreciating - discerning - interpreting - fathoming - getting the hang of - getting the message - getting the point - getting the gist - getting the meaning - getting the sense - getting the implication - getting the significance - getting the essence - getting the substance - getting the upshot - getting the import - getting the thrust - getting the core - getting the crux - getting the heart - getting the nub - getting the kernel - getting the main idea - getting the main point - getting the main thrust - getting the main message - getting the main sense - getting the main meaning - getting the main implication - getting the main significance - getting the main essence - getting the main substance - getting the main upshot - getting the main import

Getting the drift means understanding the general or essential meaning of something. It typically refers to the ability to comprehend the main points or underlying message without necessarily grasping every detail. The term can be used in various contexts, such as in conversations, where someone might say, "I get your drift," indicating they understand the main point being communicated. It can also apply to reading, listening, or observing situations where the overall intent or message is clear, even if specific details are missing.

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