gets the knack of Synonym

Synonyme gets the knack of

masters - learns - grasps - comprehends - understands - picks up - acqu - becomes proficient in - gets the hang of - becomes skilled at - becomes adept at - gets the feel of - gets the idea of - gets the gist of - gets the swing of - gets the knack for - becomes familiar with - becomes competent in - becomes an expert in - becomes knowledgeable about - becomes well-versed in - gets a handle on - gets to grips with - gets the measure of - gets the picture of - gets the sense of - gets the drift of - gets the essence of - gets the core of - gets the crux of - gets the point of - gets the principle of - gets the concept of - gets the notion of - gets the understanding of - gets the insight into - gets the lowdown on - gets the scoop on - gets the details of - gets the specifics of - gets the particulars of - gets the fundamentals of - gets the basics of - gets the rudiments of - gets the elements of - gets the ABCs of - gets the groundwork of - gets the foundation of

To 'get the knack of' something means to become proficient or skilled at a particular task or activity. It describes the process of learning through practice until the activity becomes almost second nature. This phrase is often used to indicate that someone has reached a level of competence where they can perform the task with ease and confidence.

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