gets into the swing of things Synonym

Synonyme gets into the swing of things

adapts - adjusts - acclimates - gets accustomed - gets used to - settles in - finds one's feet - becomes familiar - gets the hang of - becomes comfortable - gets into the groove - gets into the rhythm - becomes proficient - becomes adept - becomes skilled - masters - gets the feel of - gets the knack of - becomes at ease - becomes second nature - gets into the flow - becomes routine - becomes habitual - becomes natural - becomes part of the routine - gets into the routine - gets into the habit - gets into the stride - gets into the spirit - gets into the mode - gets into the mindset - gets into the zone - becomes synchronized - becomes attuned - becomes aligned - becomes integrated - becomes in sync - becomes in tune - becomes in harmony - becomes in step - becomes in line - becomes in accord - becomes in agreement - becomes in unison - becomes in concert

The phrase 'gets into the swing of things' refers to the process of becoming comfortable and proficient in a new activity or environment. This usually involves learning the ropes, adapting to new routines, and gaining confidence. It is often used in the context of starting a new job, hobby, or any new situation where initial unfamiliarity is gradually replaced by efficiency and ease.

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