get the wrong end of the stick Synonym

Synonyme get the wrong end of the stick

misunderstand - misinterpret - misconstrue - misapprehend - mistake - get it wrong - be mistaken - be confused - be misled - be off track - be off base - be in error - be wrong - get the wrong idea - get the wrong impression - get it twisted - get it mixed up - get it muddled get it all wrong - get the wrong picture - get the wrong message - get the wrong notion - get the wrong signal - get the wrong clue - get the wrong drift - get the wrong sense - get the wrong meaning - get the wrong concept - get the wrong perception - get the wrong view - get the wrong angle - get the wrong perspective - get the wrong understanding - get the wrong interpretation - get the wrong explanation - get the wrong reading - get the wrong take - get the wrong comprehension - get the wrong grasp - get the wrong insight - get the wrong inference - get the wrong deduction - get the wrong conclusion - get the wrong assumption - get the wrong supposition - get the wrong belief - get the wrong thought - get the wrong idea in mind

Der Ausdruck 'get the wrong end of the stick' bedeutet, eine Situation oder Aussage völlig falsch zu verstehen. Oft führt dies zu Missverständnissen und Verwirrungen, da die Person, die den Fehler macht, von einer falschen Annahme oder Interpretation ausgeht. Der Ursprung dieser Redewendung ist unklar, doch sie wird meist in informellen Kontexten verwendet.

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