fret over Synonym

Synonyme fret over

worry about - be anxious about - be concerned about - agonize over - stress about - be troubled by - be preoccupied with - lose sleep over - be worried about - be apprehensive about - be uneasy about - be nervous about - be distressed by - be bothered by - be upset about - be perturbed by - be fretful about - be agitated by - be tormented by - be plagued by - be vexed by - be disturbed by - be disquieted by - be unsettled by - be alarmed by - be fearful of - be afraid of - be scared of - be apprehensive of - be tense about - be on edge about - be jumpy about - be jittery about - be panicked by - be freaked out by - be spooked by - be in a dither about - be in a tizzy about - be in a flap about - be in a state about - be in a stew about - be in a sweat about - be in a lather about - be in a tizz about - be in a tizz over

The term 'fret over' means to feel or express worry, annoyance, or discontent about something. It involves a state of restless agitation or a persistent mental unease over a particular issue or situation. People often fret over matters that are beyond their control, leading to a cycle of negative thinking and stress.

Category: Worry Tags: Stress Anxiety Concern

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