finding a middle way Synonym

Synonyme finding a middle way

compromise - negotiation - mediation - arbitration - conciliation - settlement - balance - reconciliation - moderation - adjustment - accommodation - give-and-take - trade-off - meeting halfway - mutual concession - middle ground - common ground - consensus - understanding - agreement - harmonization - synthesis - blending - integration - fusion - amalgamation - cooperation - collaboration - coordination - alignment - convergence - bridging - unification - merging - combining - balancing - equalizing - tempering - softening - moderating - mitigating - resolving - settling - balancing interests - finding common ground - reaching an agreement - striking a balance - making concessions - finding a compromise

Finding a middle way refers to the process of reaching a compromise or mutual agreement between two or more parties that have differing positions or perspectives. It involves negotiation, understanding, and often a willingness to make concessions for the greater good. This approach aims to find a solution that, while not necessarily ideal for either side, is acceptable to all and helps to avoid conflicts or deadlock.

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