figures Synonym

Synonyme figures

numbers - digits - numerals - statistics - data - amounts - totals - sums - values - quantities - counts - tallies - calculations - computations - estimations - measurements - assessments - evaluations - reckonings - appraisals - analyses - metrics - indices - indicators - parameters - variables - factors - elements - components - parts - pieces - segments - sections - divisions - portions - shares - allocations - distributions - quotas - ratios - proportions - percentages - fractions - decimals - integers - whole numbers - real numbers - complex numbers

Figures generally refer to numerical data or amounts, often used in statistics and mathematics. They can also refer to shapes or forms, especially geometric ones, as well as to representations of people, animals or any other objects. In the context of business and finance, figures often denote financial data, such as sales figures or profit margins. In literature and art, figures can mean symbolic representations or character depictions.

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