faces the dilemma Synonym

Synonyme faces the dilemma

confronts-the-dilemma - encounters-the-dilemma - grapples-with-the-dilemma - faces-the-quandary - confronts-the-quandary - encounters-the-quandary - grapples-with-the-quandary - faces-the-predicament - confronts-the-predicament - encounters-the-predicament - grapples-with-the-predicament - faces-the-conundrum - confronts-the-conundrum - encounters-the-conundrum - grapples-with-the-conundrum - faces-the-issue - confronts-the-issue - encounters-the-issue - grapples-with-the-issue - faces-the-problem - confronts-the-problem - encounters-the-problem - grapples-with-the-problem - faces-the-challenge - confronts-the-challenge - encounters-the-challenge - grapples-with-the-challenge - faces-the-obstacle - confronts-the-obstacle - encounters-the-obstacle - grapples-with-the-obstacle - faces-the-hurdle - confronts-the-hurdle - encounters-the-hurdle - grapples-with-the-hurdle - faces-the-difficulty - confronts-the-difficulty - encounters-the-difficulty - grapples-with-the-difficulty - faces-the-crisis - confronts-the-crisis - encounters-the-crisis - grapples-with-the-crisis - faces-the-impasse - confronts-the-impasse - encounters-the-impasse - grapples-with-the-impasse

Das Konzept 'faces the dilemma' bedeutet, sich einer schwierigen Entscheidung oder einem Zwiespalt zu stellen, bei dem mehrere mögliche Optionen existieren, die alle Vor- und Nachteile haben. Dies kann in verschiedenen Situationen auftreten, sei es im persönlichen Leben, bei beruflichen Entscheidungen oder in moralischen und ethischen Diskussionen.

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