faces the complication Synonym

Synonyme faces the complication

encounters-the-difficulty - confronts-the-problem - deals-with-the-issue - faces-the-challenge - meets-the-obstacle - tackles-the-hurdle - grapples-with-the-complication - confronts-the-difficulty - addresses-the-problem - handles-the-issue - contends-with-the-challenge - faces-the-dilemma - confronts-the-hurdle - deals-with-the-complication - meets-the-challenge - tackles-the-problem - grapples-with-the-difficulty - addresses-the-issue - handles-the-problem - contends-with-the-obstacle - faces-the-issue - confronts-the-challenge - deals-with-the-dilemma - meets-the-problem - tackles-the-difficulty - grapples-with-the-problem - addresses-the-challenge - handles-the-difficulty - contends-with-the-hurdle - faces-the-obstacle - confronts-the-issue - deals-with-the-hurdle - meets-the-difficulty - tackles-the-issue - grapples-with-the-hurdle - addresses-the-difficulty - handles-the-challenge - contends-with-the-problem - faces-the-hurdle - confronts-the-dilemma - deals-with-the-obstacle - meets-the-issue - tackles-the-dilemma - grapples-with-the-issue - addresses-the-dilemma - handles-the-obstacle - contends-with-the-difficulty

Der Ausdruck 'faces the complication' wird verwendet, wenn sich jemand einer schwierigen Situation oder einem Problem stellen muss. Es bedeutet, dass die Person mit den Herausforderungen und Hindernissen, die sich ergeben haben, konfrontiert ist und sich aktiv darum kümmert, eine Lösung zu finden oder damit umzugehen.

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