exaggeration Synonym

Synonyme exaggeration

overstatement - hyperbole - amplification - embellishment - magnification - overemphasis - overreaction - dramatization - inflation - overkill - excess - overdoing - stretching - aggrandizement - enhancement - misrepresentation - distortion - fabrication - tall tale - fish story - white lie - fib - boast - brag - puffery - hype - overestimation - overvaluation - extravagance - excessiveness - overindulgence - overextension - overreach - overblown - overdrawn - overhyped - overstated - overstressing - sensationalism - melodrama - grandiosity - bombast - pomposity - pretentiousness - flamboyance - ostentation - showiness - flourish

Exaggeration involves the act of making something appear larger, more important, or more significant than it really is. This rhetorical device often conveys emphasis or humor by overstating attributes or aspects beyond reality. It is frequently utilized in everyday speech, literature, and media to impress or persuade audiences. Despite its common usage, exaggeration can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or misconceptions, particularly when the audience takes the hyperbolized statements literally.

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