ending the feud Synonym

Synonyme ending the feud

resolving the conflict - settling the dispute - making peace - reconciling - mending fences - burying the hatchet - reaching an agreement - coming to terms - making amends - patching things up - restoring harmony - finding a resolution - achieving reconciliation - ending hostilities - smoothing things over - bridging the gap - healing the rift - making up - resolving differences - bringing closure - establishing peace - ending the quarrel - resolving the issue - settling differences - making things right - restoring relations - resolving tensions - ending the discord - achieving harmony - resolving the disagreement - ending the strife - making reparations - resolving the argument - ending the animosity - resolving the feud - making restitution - ending the conflict - resolving the clash - making conciliation - ending the dispute - resolving the friction - making reconciliation - ending the rivalry - resolving the contention - making settlement - ending the antagonism - resolving the altercation - making truce

Das Beenden eines Streits oder einer Fehde umfasst den Prozess, durch den zwei oder mehr Parteien ihre Differenzen beilegen und zu einer Übereinkunft kommen, die den Konflikt löst. Dies kann durch direkte Verhandlungen, Mediation oder andere Formen der Konfliktlösung geschehen. Das Ziel ist es, dauerhaften Frieden und Harmonie zwischen den beteiligten Parteien zu erreichen.

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