encountering Synonym

Synonyme encountering

meeting - facing - confronting - coming across - running into - stumbling upon - experiencing - discovering - finding - bumping into - coming upon - happening upon - running across - running upon - coming face to face with - running up against - coming up against - coming up to - meeting with - running up to - coming into contact with - coming into collision with - colliding with - clashing with - grappling with - tangling with - engaging with - dealing with - addressing - tackling - handling - facing up to - facing off with - encountering - meeting head-on - meeting face-to-face - meeting in person - meeting directly - meeting unexpectedly - meeting by chance - meeting accidentally - meeting fortuitously - meeting serendipitously - meeting unplanned - meeting unanticipated

Encountering refers to the act of meeting someone or something unexpectedly, or facing a situation or experience that you have not planned for. It often implies an element of surprise or challenge, whether it's encountering a person, an obstacle, or a new scenario. The term can be used in various contexts including travel, daily life, or professional settings.

Category: Experience Tags: Meeting Facing Coming

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