ecstatic Synonym

Synonyme ecstatic

elated - overjoyed - thrilled - euphoric - jubilant - exultant - blissful - rapturous - delighted - enraptured - over the moon - in seventh heaven - on cloud nine - walking on air - in high spirits - beside oneself with joy - gleeful - joyous - exuberant - buoyant - blissed out - chirpy - on top of the world - in raptures - in ecstasy - transported - in a state of bliss - in a state of euphoria - in a state of exaltation - in a state of elation - in a state of rapture - in a state of delight - in a state of joy - in a state of jubilation - in a state of exultation - in a state of blissfulness - in a state of rapturousness - in a state of enrapturement - in a state of overjoyedness - in a state of thrilledness - in a state of euphoricness - in a state of jubilance - in a state of exultance - in a state of delightedness - in a state of enrapturedness - in a state of over the moonness - in a state of seventh heavenness

Ecstatic is a word used to describe a feeling of intense, overwhelming happiness or joy. This emotion can be so powerful that it consumes a person’s entire being, often making them experience a sense of elation or bliss. It is often associated with moments of extreme excitement or pleasure, where one's joy is so profound that it goes beyond mere happiness, entering a state of being in ecstasy.

Category: Emotions Tags: Happiness Joy Ecstasy

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