ease the struggle Synonym

Synonyme ease the struggle

alleviate the hardship - reduce the difficulty - lessen the burden - mitigate the challenge - ease the burden - relieve the strain - soften the blow - lighten the load - diminish the struggle - soothe the hardship - assuage the difficulty - allay the struggle - ease the pain - lessen the strain - reduce the struggle - alleviate the strain - ease the challenge - relieve the burden - lighten the hardship - mitigate the struggle - diminish the hardship - soften the difficulty - soothe the struggle - assuage the hardship - allay the difficulty - ease the hardship - reduce the hardship - alleviate the difficulty - relieve the struggle - lighten the strain - mitigate the hardship - diminish the burden - soothe the difficulty - assuage the struggle - allay the hardship - ease the strain - lessen the challenge - reduce the burden - alleviate the challenge - relieve the difficulty - lighten the struggle - mitigate the burden - diminish the strain - soften the hardship - soothe the burden - assuage the strain - allay the burden

Der Ausdruck 'ease the struggle' bedeutet, etwas zu unternehmen, um eine schwierige oder belastende Situation weniger anstrengend oder schmerzhaft zu machen. Dies kann durch direkte Unterstützung, die Bereitstellung von Ressourcen oder emotionale Hilfe geschehen. Ziel ist es, den Betroffenen zu entlasten und ihnen zu helfen, besser mit den Herausforderungen umzugehen.

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