drawing attention to the divergences Synonym

Synonyme drawing attention to the divergences

highlighting the differences - emphasizing the discrepancies - pointing out the variations - underlining the distinctions - stressing the divergences - noting the disparities - calling attention to the contrasts - focusing on the differences - bringing out the discrepancies - accentuating the variations - marking the distinctions - spotlighting the divergences - showcasing the disparities - illuminating the contrasts - flagging the differences - underscoring the discrepancies - identifying the variations - delineating the distinctions - drawing focus to the divergences - singling out the disparities - pinpointing the contrasts - clarifying the differences - revealing the discrepancies - exposing the variations - distinguishing the distinctions - articulating the divergences - presenting the disparities - outlining the contrasts - detailing the differences - specifying the discrepancies - elaborating on the variations - explaining the distinctions - making clear the divergences - demonstrating the disparities - illustrating the contrasts - bringing to light the differences - shedding light on the discrepancies - making evident the variations - clarifying the distinctions - making apparent the divergences - showing the disparities - making visible the contrasts - bringing into focus the differences - making known the discrepancies - making plain the variations - making obvious the distinctions - making manifest the divergences - making clear the disparities - making explicit the contrasts

The phrase 'drawing attention to the divergences' refers to the act of pointing out or emphasizing the differences or variations between two or more things. This could be in the context of data, opinions, perspectives, or any other comparative analysis. It involves making others aware of contrasting elements to foster understanding, discussion, or decision-making.

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