drawing attention to issues Synonym

Synonyme drawing attention to issues

highlighting problems - emphasizing concerns - bringing issues to light - focusing on problems - spotlighting issues - underscoring concerns - pointing out problems - calling attention to issues - flagging concerns - raising awareness of issues - shedding light on problems - drawing focus to concerns - accentuating issues - stressing problems - illuminating concerns - bringing problems to the forefront - making issues known - alerting to problems - signaling concerns - pinpointing issues - identifying problems - showcasing concerns - exposing issues - revealing problems - addressing concerns - bringing up issues - discussing problems - mentioning concerns - noting issues - underlining problems - marking concerns - indicating issues - bringing to attention problems - flagging up concerns - raising issues - bringing to notice problems - highlighting concerns - pointing to issues - calling out problems - drawing notice to concerns - spotlighting problems - emphasizing issues - underscoring problems - focusing on issues - bringing to light concerns - shedding light on issues - accentuating problems - stressing issues - illuminating problems

Das 'drawing attention to issues' beschreibt den Prozess oder die Aktion, die darauf abzielt, das Bewusstsein oder die Aufmerksamkeit auf bestehende Probleme oder Herausforderungen zu lenken. Dies kann durch verschiedene Mittel wie Berichterstattung, Präsentationen, soziale Medien oder öffentliche Kampagnen geschehen. Ziel ist es, Menschen über diese Themen zu informieren und möglicherweise Maßnahmen oder Lösungen zu fördern.

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