discrediting the myths Synonym

Synonyme discrediting the myths

debunking - disproving - refuting - exposing - invalidating - dising - dispelling - challenging - contradicting - deflating - demystifying - debunking the fallacies - revealing the truth - unmasking - disabusing - puncturing - disconfirming - disabusing of misconceptions - clarifying - elucidating - correcting - rectifying - countering - nullifying - negating - discrediting the falsehoods - discrediting the misconceptions - discrediting the fabrications - discrediting the lies - discrediting the fables - discrediting the legends - discrediting the tales - discrediting the stories - discrediting the narratives - discrediting the beliefs - discrediting the assumptions - discrediting the notions - discrediting the ideas - discrediting the theories - discrediting the hypotheses - discrediting the conjectures - discrediting the speculations - discrediting the assertions - discrediting the claims - discrediting the statements - discrediting the declarations - discrediting the contentions - discrediting the allegations

Das Aufdecken und Entkräften weit verbreiteter Irrglauben oder Mythen, um Missverständnisse zu beseitigen. Dies kann durch Fakten, wissenschaftliche Beweise oder logische Argumentation geschehen, um falsche Überzeugungen klarzustellen und die Menschen über die Realität zu informieren.

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