disclosing the intentions Synonym

Synonyme disclosing the intentions

revealing the intentions - unveiling the intentions - exposing the intentions - divulging the intentions - uncovering the intentions - disclosing the plans - revealing the plans - unveiling the plans - exposing the plans - divulging the plans - uncovering the plans - making the intentions known - making the plans known - laying bare the intentions - laying bare the plans - bringing the intentions to light - bringing the plans to light - letting the intentions be known - letting the plans be known - sharing the intentions - sharing the plans - broadcasting the intentions - broadcasting the plans - publicizing the intentions - publicizing the plans - announcing the intentions - announcing the plans - declaring the intentions - declaring the plans - manifesting the intentions - manifesting the plans - presenting the intentions - presenting the plans - disclosing the motives - revealing the motives - unveiling the motives - exposing the motives - divulging the motives - uncovering the motives - making the motives known - laying bare the motives - bringing the motives to light - letting the motives be known - sharing the motives - broadcasting the motives - publicizing the motives - announcing the motives - declaring the motives - manifesting the motives - presenting the motives

Disclosing the intentions bezieht sich auf den Akt des Bekanntmachens oder Offenbarens von Plänen oder Zielen, die eine Person oder Organisation verfolgt. Dies kann in verschiedenen Kontexten wie Geschäft, Politik oder persönlichen Beziehungen stattfinden. Durch das Offenlegen von Absichten kann Transparenz geschaffen werden, was oft Vertrauen und Verständnis zwischen den beteiligten Parteien fördert.

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