delaying Synonym

Synonyme delaying

postponing - deferring - stalling - procrastinating - putting off - holding off - pausing - suspending - rescheduling - adjourning - prolonging - extending - dragging out - slowing down - retarding - hindering - obstructing - impeding - staving off - temporizing - lingering - hesitating - wavering - vacillating - dawdling - tarrying - loitering - dilly-dallying - dragging one's feet - taking one's time - biding time - playing for time - marking time - waiting - lagging - stalling for time

Delaying refers to the action of putting off or postponing something to a later time. It often implies a temporary stop or interruption in a process or activity, sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances, lack of resources, or deliberate choice. It can be used in various contexts ranging from personal tasks to professional projects.

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