deceptive notion Synonym

Synonyme deceptive notion

misconception - fallacy - illusion - delusion - myth - falsehood - error - misunderstanding - misbelief - misapprehension - misjudgment - misinterpretation - misperception - mistake - untruth - deceit - trickery - chicanery - deceitfulness - duplicity - fraudulence - guile - hoax - pretense - ruse - sham - sleight - subterfuge - swindle - artifice - bluff - cheat - con - deception - dishonesty - dissimulation - double-dealing - fakery - falsity - feint - flimflam - fraud - imposture - legerdemain - pretext - scam - skulduggery

A deceptive notion refers to a belief or idea that is not based on truth or reality. It often involves a misrepresentation or misunderstanding of the facts, leading someone to hold a belief that is erroneous or misleading. These notions can arise from various sources, including misinformation, cognitive biases, or deliberate deceit. In psychology, understanding deceptive notions is crucial as they can significantly influence behavior, decision-making, and perception.

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