cowardice Synonym

Synonyme cowardice

timidity - fearfulness - faint-heartedness - pusillanimity spinelessness - cravenness - poltroonery - dastardliness - gutlessness - chicken-heartedness - lily-liveredness - yellow-belliedness - recreancy - funk - trepidation - apprehensiveness - nervousness - fear - weakness - lack of courage - lack of bravery - lack of nerve - lack of guts - lack of backbone - lack of spirit - lack of mettle - lack of fortitude - lack of resolution - lack of boldness - lack of daring - lack of valor - lack of gallantry - lack of heroism - lack of intrepidity - lack of pluck - lack of spunk - lack of grit - lack of gameness - lack of moxie - lack of chutzpah - lack of audacity - lack of temerity - lack of stout-heartedness - lack of lion-heartedness - lack of stoutness - lack of heart - lack of spunkiness - lack of doughtiness

Cowardice refers to a lack of bravery or the inability to face danger, difficulty, opposition, or pain. It is often considered a negative trait, as it involves succumbing to fear and choosing inaction or avoidance over courageous actions and confronting challenges. A person displaying cowardice might be reluctant to take risks, stand up for themselves or others, or deal with difficult situations, opting instead for a safer, but less honorable, path.

Category: Character Tags: Fear Timidity Weakness

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