Counterclaims Synonym

Synonyme Counterclaims

cross-claims - rebuttals - responses - counterarguments - counterstatements - refutations - rejoinders - replies - answers - defenses - countercharges - counteraccusations - counterassertions - counterallegations - countercontentions - counterpoints - counterproposals - counterpositions - counterpetitions - counterpleas - counterdemands - counterrequests - counterinquiries - counterinterrogations - counterquestions - counterresponses - counterreplies - counterrefutations - counterrebuttals - counterdeclarations - countertestimonies - counterevidence - counterproofs - counterwitnesses - counterclaims - countercomplaints - countergrievances - counterindictments - counterlitigations - counterprosecutions - counterpleadings - countermotions - counterapplications - counterfilings - counterappeals - counterchallenges

Counterclaims are legal claims brought by a defendant against a plaintiff in a lawsuit. They arise when the defendant believes that they have a cause of action against the plaintiff that is directly related to the original claim. These claims allow the defendant not just to defend against the plaintiff's allegations but also to seek relief from the plaintiff. Counterclaims are often used to streamline litigation by addressing all related disputes in a single proceeding.

Category: Law Tags: Legal Response Claim

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