confessing Synonym

Synonyme confessing

admitting - revealing - disclosing - acknowledging - avowing - declaring - professing - conceding - owning up - coming clean - fessing up - spilling the beans - letting on - making known - unveiling - uncovering - exposing - divulging - laying bare - coming out with - opening up - telling - reporting - stating - affirming - testifying - swearing - avouching - attesting - manifesting - proclaiming - announcing - publishing - broadcasting - communicating - narrating - recounting - relating - detailing - specifying - itemizing - enumerating - listing - cataloging - chronicling - reciting - describing - explaining - elucidating - clarifying

Confessing, also known as confession or admitting, refers to the act of disclosing one's sins, faults, or wrongdoings to another person, often in a religious context. This act is often associated with ritualistic practices in various religions where individuals admit their moral failures in the presence of a religious leader or community. Beyond religious contexts, confessing can happen in secular settings, involving the acknowledgment of one's mistakes, misdeeds, or emotions to another party.

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