completing negotiations Synonym

Synonyme completing negotiations

finalizing discussions - concluding talks - wrapping up negotiations - closing negotiations - sealing the deal - reaching an agreement - settling negotiations - finishing discussions - bringing negotiations to a close - completing talks - finalizing agreements - concluding negotiations - ending discussions - closing talks - wrapping up discussions - finalizing deals - concluding agreements - completing discussions - closing deals - reaching a settlement - finalizing settlements - concluding settlements - wrapping up agreements - bringing talks to a conclusion - finalizing the process - completing the process - concluding the process - closing the process - wrapping up the process - finalizing the negotiations - concluding the negotiations - completing the negotiations - closing the negotiations - wrapping up the negotiations - finalizing the discussions - concluding the discussions - completing the discussions - closing the discussions - wrapping up the discussions - finalizing the talks - concluding the talks - completing the talks - closing the talks - wrapping up the talks - finalizing the deal - concluding the deal - completing the deal - closing the deal

Das Abschließen von Verhandlungen ist der letzte Schritt im Verhandlungsprozess, bei dem beide Parteien zu einer endgültigen Einigung kommen. Dies kann durch schriftliche Vereinbarungen, Verträge oder mündliche Übereinkünfte erfolgen. Das Ziel ist es, alle offenen Punkte zu klären und sicherzustellen, dass beide Parteien mit den besprochenen Bedingungen zufrieden sind.

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