caviling Synonym

Synonyme caviling

quibbling - nitpicking - carping - faultfinding - hairsplitting - criticizing - complaining - grumbling - moaning - whining - bickering - nagging - pettifogging - hypercritical - captious - censorious - peevish - grousing - griping - fussing - sniping - bellyaching - kvetching - grouching - whinging - nit-picking - cavilling

Caviling refers to making petty or unnecessary objections, often focusing on minor or irrelevant details rather than the main issue. It involves looking for trivial faults or shortcomings when inspecting or discussing something. People who cavil tend to find fault with statements or actions, often in a way that feels excessive or pedantic. This behavior can be perceived as irritating because it seems to detract from more substantial or meaningful dialogue and progress.

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