causing Synonym

Synonyme causing

inducing - generating - creating - producing - triggering - instigating - prompting - leading - resulting in - about - giving rise to - setting off - sparking - initiating - catalyzing - engendering - fomenting - precipitating - inciting - provoking - arousing - stimulating - activating - driving - motivating - inspiring - evoking - eliciting - stirring - igniting - kindling - nurturing - cultivating - fostering - encouraging - promoting - advancing - facilitating - supporting - aiding - abetting - contributing to - effecting - effectuating - occasioning - begetting - birthing - spawning

Causing refers to the act of making something happen or bringing about a result, particularly through an external influence or action. It encompasses a wide range of scenarios from tangible actions that lead to visible outcomes to more abstract influences that bring about change. The term is often used in contexts where the relationship between an action or event and its result is clear and directly attributable.

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