8 synonym groups for Skepsis

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Synonyms on the topic Skepsis

untrustworthy statement

lie, falsehood, fabrication, deceit, deception, fib, untruth, misrepresentation, falsification, prevarication, mendacity, canard, invention, tall tale, cock-and-bull story, fairy tale, whopper, yarn,... [more]


doubt, mistrust, question, suspect, discredit, distrust reject, repud, deny, be skeptical of, be dubious of, be uncertain about, be unconvinced by, be incredulous of, be suspicious of, have no faith i... [more]

lacking faith

doubtful, skeptical, unbelieving, distrustful, incredulous suspicious, disbelieving, uncertain, questioning, hesitant, wavering, unconvinced, cynical, mistrustful, dubious, apprehensive, unsure, leery... [more]

be cynical about

skeptisch sein gegenüber, misstrauisch sein gegenüber, zynisch sein gegenüber, zweifelnd sein gegenüber, argwöhnisch sein gegenüber, kritisch sein gegenüber


skeptisch, zweifelnd, misstrauisch, ungläubig, kritisch, hinterfragend, unsicher, argwöhnisch, zweiflerisch, misstrauend


doubt, uncertainty, skepticism, suspicion, mistrust, wariness, incredulity, disbelief, hesitation, indecision, ambiguity, equivocation, vacillation, ambivalence, apprehension, misgiving, qualm, reserv... [more]


doubtful, skeptical, suspicious, incredulous, distrustful, unbelieving, questioning, cynical, wary, disbelieving, dubious, hesitant, uncertain, apprehensive, mistrustful, unconvinced, leery, unsure, s... [more]

be skeptical of

doubt, question, mistrust, suspect, be wary of, be doubtful of, be suspicious of, be uncertain about, be dubious of, be leery of, be distrustful of, be apprehensive about, have reservations about, hav... [more]