8 synonym groups for Power

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Synonyms on the topic Power

maintaining dominance

asserting control, holding power, retaining supremacy, sustaining authority, preserving leadership, keeping command, upholding dominance, maintaining control, securing dominance, conserving power, per... [more]

obtaining primacy

gaining precedence, achieving dominance, securing superiority, attaining preeminence, acquiring supremacy, winning priority, capturing the lead, establishing primacy, obtaining superiority, gaining th... [more]

holds supremacy

dominates, rules, governs, commands, controls, leads, reigns, prevails, directs, oversees, administers, manages, supervises, regulates, dictates, masters, wields power, exercises authority, has contro... [more]


dominates, controls, rules, commands, governs, leads, reigns, prevails, wields power, exercises control, has authority, has power, is in charge, is dominant, is supreme, is in control, is the leader,... [more]


strength, power, energy, might, vigor, pressure, compulsion, coerc, drive, effort, intensity, potency, influence, authority, impact, muscle, weight, momentum, thrust, propulsion, enforcement, constrai... [more]

holds sway

dominates, rules, governs, controls, commands, reigns, presides leads, directs, influences, manages, oversees, supervises, administers, regulates, dictates, wields power, exercises authority, commands... [more]


powerful, strong, vigorous, assertive, dynamic, potent, compelling, intense, emphatic, robust, mighty, energetic, fierce, determined, resolute, commanding, authoritative, insistent, persuasive, aggres... [more]


power, control, command, dominance, influence, jurisdiction, supremacy, sovereignty, rule, leadership, governance, administration, management, charge, direction, supervision, oversight, regulation, ma... [more]