34 synonym groups for Musik

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Synonyms on the topic Musik

In Consonance

in Übereinstimmung, in Einklang, in Harmonie, übereinstimmend, harmonisch, kongruent, synchron, übereinstimmend, in Übereinstimmung stehend, in Resonanz, in Übereinstimmung br... [more]


operatisch, opernhaft, dramatisch, gesanglich, musikalisch, theatralisch, stimmgewaltig, kunstvoll, leidenschaftlich, spektakulär


trill, chirp, sing, twitter, quaver, croon, flutter, resonate, intonate, vocalize, hum, chant, carol, serenade, lilt, melody, tune, sound, echo, call, whistle, peep, bleat, babble, gurgle, murmur, coo... [more]


poetisch, gesanglich, lyrisch, melodisch, versmäßig, strophisch, klangvoll, rhythmisch, ausdrucksvoll, gefühlvoll, künstlerisch, literarisch, romantisch, musikalisch, reimend, sti... [more]


Gesang, Hymnengesang, Kirchenlied, Lobgesang, Psalmen, Chorgesang, Liturgie, Gesangbuch, Andacht, Musik, Melodie, Gesangsdarbietung, Vokalmusik, Kirchenmusik, Lobpreis, Anbetung, Strophenlied, geistli... [more]

funeral song

Trauermusik, Beerdigungslied, Abschiedslied, Klagegesang, Gedenklied, Leichengesang, Trauermelodie, Ehrengesang, Totenlied, Grabgesang, Abschiedsweise, Trauermarsch, Gedenkstück, Trauerlied, Seel... [more]


hymns, psalms, songs, anthems,ales, carols,, spirituals, odes, lauds, praises, worship songs, liturgical songs, sacred songs, devotional songs, religious songs, hymnodies, hymnals


reprints, re-editions, re-publications, reissues


side dishes, sides, garnishes, trimmings, accessories, complements, additions, extras, supplements, adjuncts, appurtenances, embellishments, enhancements, ornaments, decorations, adornments, toppings,... [more]

musical chord

harmony, triad, arpeggio, interval, progression, consonance, dissonance, cluster, voicing, inversion, seventh, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth, major chord, minor chord, diminished chord, chord, dominant... [more]

be in step with the same rhythm

in sync, in harmony, in unison, coordinated, synchronized, aligned, in tune, in step, on the same wavelength, in accord, in agreement, in concert, in line, in phase, together, harmonious, congruent, c... [more]


applause, clapping, ovation, hand applause, handclap, plaudit, acclamation, cheering, commendation, approbation, praise, acclaim, laudation, kudos, tribute, salutation, recognition, celebration, eulog... [more]


singing, chanting, intoning, crooning, warbling, yodeling,, caroling, serenading, trilling, ululating, vocalising vocalizing


register, log, documentation, archive, chronicle, account, report, transcript, entry, file, dossier, ledger, journal, annal, memorandum, note, minute, inventory, catalog, listing, tabulation, enumerat... [more]