8 synonym groups for Kooperation

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Synonyms on the topic Kooperation

standing in alliance with

supporting, backing, siding with, allying with, standing by, standing with, in solidarity with, in support of, in agreement with, in unison with, in partnership with, in league with, in cooperation wi... [more]

begin a cooperative initiative

start a joint effort, launch a collaborative project, initiate a partnership, commence a cooperative venture, embark on a joint initiative, kick off a collaborative effort, set up a cooperative scheme... [more]


cooperating, partnering, teaming, working together, joining forces, allying,ating, uniting, pooling resources, combining efforts, co-creating, co-working, co-authoring, co-producing, co-developing, co... [more]

initiate a cooperative initiative

launch-a-collaborative-project, start-a-joint-venture, begin-a-cooperative-effort, commence-a-partnership, kick-off-a-team-initiative, inaugurate-a-cooperative-program, establish-a-collaborative-initi... [more]

start working together

zusammenarbeiten, kooperieren, kollaborieren, gemeinsame Sache machen, zusammentun, Hand in Hand arbeiten, sich verbünden, sich zusammenschließen, partnerschaftlich arbeiten, im Team arbeit... [more]

combine efforts

collaborate, cooperate, join forces, team up, work together, pool resources, unite band together, ally, partner, merge efforts, coordinate, synergize, conjoin, amalgamate, integrate, conspire, conjoin... [more]

in partnership with

in Zusammenarbeit mit, in Kooperation mit, gemeinsam mit, zusammen mit, in Verbindung mit, in Allianz mit, in Assoziation mit, in Partnerschaft mit, in Kollaboration mit, in Gemeinschaft mit, in Verbu... [more]

be in league with

collaborate, conspire, cooperate, ally, partner, join forces, team up, work together, band together, unite, combine, associate, pool resources, merge, affiliate, link up, form an alliance, be in cahoo... [more]