3 synonym groups for Indecision

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Synonyms on the topic Indecision

be on the fence about

undecided, uncertain, ambivalent, hesitant, torn, unsure, wavering, indecisive, conflicted, irresolute, in two minds, vacillating, dithering, uncommitted, equivocal, in a quandary, in doubt, on the fe... [more]

be in a state of seesawing about

waver, vacillate, fluctuate, oscillate, hesitate, dither, teeter, falter, sway, alternate, swing, yo-yo, flip-flop, waffle, be indecisive, be uncertain, be ambivalent, be irresolute, be torn, be confl... [more]


undecided, uncertain, ambivalent, hesitant, torn, wavering, indecisive, irresolute, unsure, conflicted, in two minds, on the fence, doubtful, vacillating, equivocal, uncommitted, dithering, in a quand... [more]